As you're aware show day/weekends are a very busy but exciting time. Stageworks are always looking for chaperones to help backstage to make sure everything runs smoothly and most of all in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. Chaperones play a vital part in our shows as without this help it would simply not be possible.
General Responsibilities and Requirements
The maximum number of children a Chaperone may have in his or her care is 12.
The position of Chaperone is one of responsibility and trust. The prime duty of the Chaperone is to the child(ren) in her/his care.
A Chaperone shall be considered to have the care and control of the child(ren) with a view to securing their health, comfort, kind treatment and moral welfare.
The Chaperone must not engage in any other activity that would interfere with the performance of their duties, whilst undertaking the role of Chaperone.
The Chaperone should ensure that there is a complete register of the children, with medical conditions and emergency contact numbers available at all times. However, the Chaperone must not disclose the personal information of the child(ren) in their care, except to authorised personnel.
The Chaperone is required to stay with their group until those children are collected after the performance by Sarah/Emma ready for parent dismissal.
The Chaperone should be aware of the procedure for the evacuation of the building in case of fire.
The Chaperone should ensure that children have adequate breaks for meals, rest and recreation, when not actually performing.
The Chaperone must ensure that they wear their chaperone tshirt on every occasion.
The Chaperone should have an understanding of the names of the appointed first aiders, the whereabouts (location in the building) of the first aiders;
the whereabouts of the first aid equipment in the establishment/premises in which they are working. -
All costume lists and sizes to be given out accordingly, to be neatly pre-set for following day or neatly put away.
The Chaperone should be aware of the arrangements for the dressing room and toilet facilities.
Chaperones will also be in charge of hair and makeup, even though children arrive ready for performance touch ups are still needed. All makeup and Hair accessories will be already set up in your designated dressing room. Requirements will be on your costume list in your dressing room.
The Chaperone must be aware of Child Protection Procedures regarding social media, photographs etc (white wrist bands)
Chaperones must be with the child(ren) under their supervision at all times (except when actually performing or in the care of teacher/coach
In the event or incident affecting the well-being of the child(ren) the Chaperone MUST inform the safe guarding officer- Sarah Challoner and/or Emma Hobbis.
Punishment must not be used in any circumstances.
I wish to be considered for upcoming performances, I will be contacted prior to event.